Automatically fill up the CBSE given Excel sheet with summative exam marks and descriptive indicators through a button click
With Latest Promotion Policy
Improvement (Compartment) Module is added. New and previous marks can be stored.
Download of exam results in excel sheet
Weightage and Maximum marks can be changed, in FA or SA both, if required.
Grades slabs are editable / changeable, if required.
Language option is editable. Separate provision for Language II and III.
Teacher and subject wise login.
Administrator can control marks entry by giving rights.
You can add 'n' numbers of Grade wise Descriptive Indicators and edit / delete too.
No calculations required i.e. percentile, FA1+FA2… , SA1+SA2 etc. All calculations are done automatically.
In Co- Scholastic areas, grade can appear on a / multi selection of descriptive indicators too.
Subject teachers marks entry table is available on more than one systems, teacher can take the print outs too, to enable them to cross check the marks she / he entered.
Report Card can be mailed as an attachment.
Separate Result print outs of FA 1 to 4, SA 1 & 2 and of Term 1 and Term 2 can be taken.
You can take Print outs of FINAL RESULT Report Card along with PERCENTILE, (Percentile calculations is the most difficult and time taking exercise)
Analysis of assessment in various forms
School's name and address along with logo in required colour scheme can be incorporated.
All fields, as mentioned above are editable, but can be password protected, if required.
Attendance Module for marking attendance of the students with absent student SMS alerts and monthly attendance register and various attendance analysis reports
Promotion Policy as per CBSE guideline.
Class Promotion Module.
Various Reports for analysis.
Windows Based Application.
Works in Multi User environment.
Very easy to use i.e. user friendly
SMS feature can be attached (Optional).
Option of sending SMS to the parents for notices, circulars, parent-teacher meetings and results
Report Card can be shown Online
Hardware Requirement for this Software
OS : Windows XP / 7
Processor : P4 / Dual Core / Core2Duo
Hard Disk Space : 100 MB
Database : SQL / MS Access
For SMS : GSM Modem